Halle 7, Basel: Website
KBH.G, Basel: Exhibition „Kim Jungman“: Advertising
Pillier SA: Logotype
Kunstmuseum Basel: Corsin Fontana, ISBN 978-3-7204-0182-1
KBH.G, Basel: "Music", Exhibition Catalogue, ISBN 978-3-9525343-2-8
Tony Wuethrich Galerie, Basel: Publication "Conrad Jon Godly"
Ackermannshof, Basel: Label
Swiss Made Software, Basel: Publication V, ISBN 978-3-9524449-1-7
Hair & More, New York: Logo Development
Save Dangkhar: Logo and CD
Sibylle Piermattei-Geiger, Basel/Cecina: "Retrospective"
ITI, International Team for Implantology: Publication
Schröder Steiner Gold: Logotype
May Früh, Feldenkrais SFV, Basel: Website
Theater Fauteuil, Basel, Rasser – Kabarett Schweiz: Promotion
Rough Publications: Fanzine "Poison Island"
Andy Johns Long, Label, New York: Logo Design
RockProof, by RFV Basel: Manual for Musicians
basel-in-june, Art Agenda, Basel: Online Art Agenda
C-Level Media, Zurich: C-Level Magazine no. 5
Hotel Alpenruhe, Wengen: Coasters
Bizaff, Essaouira, Morocco: Product Line, Packaging
Bistro Kunstmuseum, Basel: Menu Cards
Kunstverein Freiburg i.B.: Publication
Halle 7, Basel: Flyer and Poster "Dîner Lumière"
Coaching Office, Basel: Website
Swiss Made Software: Publication I, ISBN 978-5-9523372-6
Berrel Architekten BSA SIA SWB, Basel: Greeting and Business Cards
Château de Nyon / PS1 New York: Exhibition Media
Club Abuse: Logotype and CD
Dismantle, Contemporary Art Collection, Basel: Neon Sign
Schweizerischer Kunstverein, Zurich: PAC, ISBN 3-7965-2099-5
Dismantle, Contemporary Art Collection, Basel: Website
Franz Umzüge: Direct Mailings and Coupons
Swiss Made Software, Basel: Publication IV, ISBN 978-3-9524449-0-0
HMC, Human Management Consulting, Basel: Newsletters
RFV Basel: Brochure "Women's quota in bands"
blindekuh, Basel / Zurich: Packaging
Steuerwald & Partner, Binningen: Logo and CD
KBH.G, Basel: Megaposters
Hotel Alpenruhe, Wengen: Logo and CD
Esther Hiepler, Artist: Exhibition Leaflet
Bundesamt für Kultur, Bern: Poster an Invitation Card
Doris & Paul-David Becker, Magden: Emblem
Schweizerischer Kunstverein, Zurich: Jean-D. Berclaz, ISBN 3-7965-2100-2
BVB, Basler Verkehrsbetriebe: Hanging poster
Bündner Kunstmuseum, Chur: Corsin Fontana, ISBN 978-3-85881-292-6
„Dismantle“, by Markus Weisskopf: ISBN 978-3-9523372-8-8
Tony Wuethrich Galerie, Basel: Invitation Cards
Bizaff, Essaouira, Morocco: Logo and CD
Brönnimann Treuhand, Haldenstein: Logotype, Corporate Design
Fashion Room Basel: Flyers and Poster
Multimedia Solutions, North Bergen: Logo and Corporate Design
Halle 7, Basel: Flyer and Poster "Ladies Night"
Sarasin Art, Basel: Publication "Hidden Paradise", ISBN 978-3-9524956-1-2
Domaine Spalenberg, Basel: Inner City Shopping Guide
Baumschule Schmid, Ettingen: Direct Mailings
Markgräfler Museum, Müllheim: W. Derungs, ISBN 978-3-86833-007-6
Steuerwald GmbH, Binningen: Logo and CD
Sturzenegger Stiftung, Schaffhausen: Acquisitions, AR 2019-2020
Sturzenegger Stiftung, Schaffhausen: Acquisitions, AR 2015-2016
Per Tutti Ristorante, Basel: Logo and CD Development
Dismantle, Contemporary Art Collection, Basel: Logotype, CD and Website
Restaurant Rubino, Basel: Website
Amt für Kultur, St. Gallen: "Schnittpunkt", Exhibition Magazine
Jahic / Roethlisberger, Artists: "Music", ISBN 978-3-9525343-1-1
David Buser, Basel: Logo and CD
Bacio, Bio Bistro: Neon Sign
BVB, Basler Verkehrsbetriebe: Event Invitations
KBH.G: Exhibition „The End of Aging – by Michael Schindhelm: Advertising
Bernstein Bâtir AG: Logo and Corporate Design
ping-pong-basel-miami: Communication Tools, 2014
Bundesamt für Kultur, Bern: Exhibition Caption
Kunstverein Freiburg i.B.: "Hanspeter Hofmann", ISBN 3-89770-211-8
Giorgio Libera, Musician: Compact Disc
DayOne, Basel Area Swiss: Invitations, Brochures and Flyers
Mc Clean AG: Publication
The Lombego Surfers: 45" Sleeve
Association Galleries in Basel: Leaflets 2001-2009
Galerie Idea Fixa, Basel: Logo and CD
Presidential Department of the City of Basel Stadt: Event Booth
Desirée Petitpierre Arts Management: Logo and CD
Basler Wirrgarten, Basel: Brochure Of Offerrs
Scush, Band, Pratteln: Logo, Visuals
FHNW Academy of Art and Design, Fashion Design: Publication
trink GmbH, Basel: Label
ping-pong-basel-miami: Communication Tools
KBH.G, Basel: Carlo Borer – Sleeping with the Gods, ISBN 978-3-9525343-3-5
Villa Arson, Nice / Kunsthaus Graz: Hanspeter Hofmann, ISBN 978-5-905829-81-5
tribolet•arch, Basel: Logotype and CD
Tony Wuethrich Galerie, Basel: Publication "Fountain – Noori Lee"
Basler Wirrgarten, Basel: Annual Report
Universität Basel, Kantone BS und BL: Book, ISBN 9783-9524449-4-8
Stiftung Basler Wirrgarten: Event Program
BSP International, Baden: Website
BVB, Basler Verkehrsbetriebe: "Reifenwechsel" ISBN 978-3-9523372-1-9
Pawel Ferus, Artist: Website
May Früh, Feldenkrais SFV, Basel: CD Development
Club Abuse: Poster
BERG, Wengen: Logotype and CD
Save Dangkhar: Website
Theater Fauteuil: Rasser – Kabarett Schweiz, ISBN 978-3-03969-013-8
BVB, Basler Verkehrsbetriebe: Image Brochure
Tony Wuethrich Galerie, Basel: Publications
basel tanzt, Tanzfestival, Basel: Invitations, Programme and Website
Swiss Made Software, Basel: Data Sovereignity, Visuals
HMC, Human Management Consulting, Basel: Website
Design Domains: Logo
Fashion Room Basel: Logo Development
ipw Marketing AG ASW, Basel: Image Brochure
Plattfon, Record Store, Basel: Posters, Flyers
Puls 5, Zurich: "Last Shift", ISBN 978-905701-78-4
BVB, Basler Verkehrsbetriebe: Route Timetables
ping-pong-basel-miami: Communication Tools, 2015
Design Box Basel: Flyer and Poster
DayOne, Basel Area Swiss: Website
Restaurant Rubino, Basel: A5-Cards
blindekuh, Basel / Zurich: Anniversary Booklet
Kunsthaus Baselland: Catalogue "Noori Lee"
Grundstein AG: Logo
Markus Weisskopf, Art Collector: Logo
Conrad Jon Godly, Artist: Invitation Cards
Sonja Feldmeier, Artist: "duality 2 of 2", ISBN 978-3-85616-366-2
Sibylle Piermattei-Geiger, Basel-Cecina: Invitation Card "Kostümwelten"
Tony Wuethrich Galerie, Basel: Exhibition Brochure
Megan Lorraine, Milan: Logo and Corporate Design
BVB, Basler Verkehrsbetriebe: On Sound Interactive LED Boat Flanks
Hanspeter Hofmann, Artist: Magazine, Editions
Die Organisation GmbH, Basel: Logotype
ko.koo., René Schmalz, Trogen: Logo and Letterheads
BSP International, Baden: Newsletters
Hotel Alpenruhe, Wengen: Vehicle Signage
Mitica, In Line Hair Design, New York: Logo and Corporate Design
Sarasin Art, Basel: Logotype and CD
Hotel Alpenruhe, Wengen: Give-Aways
KBH.G, Basel: Pablo Picasso – His Posters, Catalogue, ISBN 978-3-9525343-0-4
Museum zu Allerheiligen, Schaffhausen: Cat. "Corsin Fontana"
invino Wine Bar, Basel: Logo and CD Development
Swiss Made Software, swiss dev alliance: Logotype
Rolf Lüpke Rechtsberatung, Basel: Leaflet and Stationery
KBH.G, Basel: Carlo Borer – Sleeping with the Gods, Exhibition Advertising
Bistro Kunstmuseum, Basel: Website
Bündner Kunstmuseum, Chur: Exhibition Poster and Invitation Card
Design Domains: Website
Claude & Fabian Walter Galerie, Zurich: "Arnold Helbling", ISBN 978-3-85616-269-6
Kunst Raum Riehen: Exhibition Catalogue
i-net Innovation Networks, Basel: Glossar
Schuurmans Therapeutikum, Münchenstein: Logo and CD
inoxa AG, Zeiningen: Website
Blue in Green, Jeru Ilfu, Basel: Logo and Blog Development
BVB, Basler Verkehrsbetriebe: Full Branding Tram and Bus
BVB, Basler Verkehrsbetriebe: Full Branding Tram
Bob Driller: Website
inoxa AG, Zeiningen: Logotype and CD
Halle 7, Basel: Calendars, Stationery and Menu Cards
KBH.G: Exhibition "Evaporating Suns": Advertising
Swiss Made Software, Basel: Publication II, ISBN 978-5-9523372-4-0
FSOD, Lausanne: Brochure, Fondation suisse pour le don d'organes
Desirée Petitpierre Arts Management: Website
City of Basel Music Academy: Brochure
Patty & Reto: Invitation and Menu Cards
Tony Wuethrich Galerie, Basel: Leaflet
FiBL, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Frick: Labels
The Solo Project, Art Fair, Brussels: Logo And Claim Development
Fondation Beyeler, Basel: "Ernst Beyeler – Art Dealer" DVD Packaging
STAMPA Galerie, Basel: Logotype
DayOne, Basel Area Swiss: Logo and CD Development
Tiprego, Basel: Website
Markus Weisskopf, Art Collector: Website
i-net Innovation Networks, Basel: Annual Report
Coaching Office, Basel: Logo and CD
Galerie Vallois, Paris: "Gilles Barbier", ISBN 3-905701-42-1
blindekuh, Basel / Zurich: Key Visual
Kunstverein Freiburg i.B.: Brochure
Markus Gadient, Artist: "Changes", ISBN 9-783869-840048
Museum zu Allerheiligen, Schaffhausen: Exhibition Posters
GIN Transport: Logo and CD
DayOne, Basel Area Swiss: Concept Visualization
Bistro Kunstmuseum, Basel: Menu Cards and Give-Aways
Presidential Department of the City of Basel Stadt: Postcards, Give-Aways
Farbica, Riehen: Direct Mailings
Sturzenegger Stiftung, Schaffhausen: Acquisitions, AR 2017-2018
Graz University of Technology: Publication "Save Dangkhar"
C-Level Media, Zurich: C-Level Magazine no. 4
RFV Basel: Annual Reports
Art/Days/Marrakech: Website
Identitat, Horta de Sant Joan: Brochure
Berg, Wengen: Space Lettering
Schweizerischer Kunstverein, Zurich: F. und P. Riklin, ISBN 3-7965-2100-2
Noori Lee, Artist: Website
Claude & Fabian Walter Galerie, Zurich: Invitation Card
blindekuh, Basel / Zurich: Anniversary Logo
Bob Driller: Compact Disc with Booklet
C-Level Media, Zurich: C-Level Magazine no. 2
Jeru: Website
Schweizerischer Kunstverein, Zurich: Arno Hassler, ISBN 3-7965-2096-7
Markus Schwander: Exhibition cat. "Capriccio" + screensaver app
Markus Schwander: "Abdruck" ISBN 3-86588-002-9
Wibrandis Stiftung, Basel: Logo and CD Development
Fondation Boubo Music, Binningen: Programme
Berrel Architekten BSA SIA SWB, Basel: Corporate Design, Website
trink GmbH, Basel: Advertising key visuals
Swiss Made Software, Basel: Swiss Alternatives, Visuals
Swiss Made Software, Basel: Publication VI, ISBN 978-3-9524449-2-4
Pasta-Pasta, Pastificio Basilese: Logo and CD
Schoch | von Mutzenbecher, Basel: Logo and CD
Irreversible Magazine, Miami: Editorial Contributions
BSP International, Baden: Logotype and CD Development
Rough Publications: The Moment After The Show, ISBN 978-3-033-03288-0
Kunstmuseum Solothurn: Exhibition Catalogue, ISBN 978-3-940748-32-4
Braun Publishing / Klaus Leuschel: "Swissness", ISBN 978-3-7212-0716-3
invino Wine Bar, Basel: Label
RFV Basel: Playlist Pictogram
SSAR Architekten, Basel: Logo and CD
Edetària, Terra Alta: Brochure
Bündner Kunstmuseum, Chur: "C. Fontana – Schgh", ISBN 978-3-03942-043-8
„Dismantle“, by Markus Weisskopf: ISBN 978-3-9523372-7-1
Kunstmuseum Solothurn: Exhibition Poster
Tony Wuetrich Galerie, Basel: Logotype and Corporate Design
Conrad Jon Godly, Artist: "Works +/-", ISBN 978-3-86895-334-3
Graz University of Technology: Publication "The Monastery of Dangkhar"
Kunst Raum Riehen: Invitation Card
FidesMed, Basel: Logo and CD
Association Galleries in Basel: Website
Rolf Lüpke Rechtsberatung, Basel: Logo and CD
Bacio, Bio-Bistro, Basel: Logo and CD
Design Domains: Installation
RFV Basel: Compilation CD
Edetària, Terra Alta: Label
Gemeindehaus Oekolampad, Basel: Key Visual
Forum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Basel: Communication Tools
Lightbox srl, Venice: Intranet, CRM Customer-Relationship-Management
Bistro Kunstmuseum, Basel: Corporate Design
Club Abuse: Website with Blog
ping-pong-basel-miami: Communication Tools, 2019
C-Level Media, Zurich: C-Level Magazine no. 1
Design Domains: Exhibition Design
Angela Faust, Akupunktur, Basel: Logo and CD Development
RFV Basel: Website II
trink GmbH, Basel: Logo and CD
Schweizerischer Kunstverein, Zurich: Stefan Sulzberger, ISBN 3-7965-2096-0
ping-pong-basel-miami: Logo and CD
Claudia Güdel: Shopping pass
Claudia Güdel: Categorization
LOST Architekten GmbH, Basel: Logotype
Stiftung Basler Wirrgarten: Anniversary Logo
STAMPA Galerie, Basel: Invitation Cards
Marco Poloni, Artist: "Passengers", ISBN 3-936711-61-5
Kunst Raum Riehen: Exhibition Poster and Media
Ceveysytems GmbH, Munich: Image Brochure
TileTale, Basel: Logotype and CD
Franz Umzüge: Vehicle Signage
Vice Versa, Lisbon/Basel, by Anina Michel & Andreas Blättler: Diploma Thesis
ping-pong-basel-miami: Communication Tools, 2011
Basler Wirrgarten, Basel: Choccolate packaging
Schweizerischer Kunstverein, Zurich: Isabelle Krieg, ISBN 3-7965-2097-0
Jeru: Compact Disk
KBH.G, Basel: "Pablo Picasso – His Posters": Letterings
C-Level Media, Zurich: Logo and CD
Franz Umzüge: Logo and CD
Halle 7, Basel: Logo and CD
SSAR Architekten, Basel: Website
RFV Basel: Website I
Bacio, Bio-Bistro, Basel: Menu Card
Kulturstadt Jetzt, Basel: Campaign Communication
ping-pong-basel-miami: Coomunication tools, 2022
KBH.G, Basel: Carlo Borer – Sleeping with the Gods
ping-pong-basel-miami: Communication tools, 2023
Presidential Department of the City of Basel Stadt: Event Visuals, Signage
Pasta-Pasta, Pastificio Basilese: Website
Fondation Boubo Music, Binningen: Logo Development
Bistro Kunstmuseum, Basel: Flyers, Menu Cards
Hotel Alpenruhe, Wengen: Website
Tiprego, Basel: Gift box
blindekuh, Basel / Zurich: poster
Swiss Made Software, Basel: Publication III, ISBN 978-3-9523372-5-7
Gemeindehaus Oekolampad, Basel: Logotype
R23, Styling and Casting, Basel: Mini Postcards
Design Box Basel: Web Presence
Design Box Basel: Logo and CD
Schweizerischer Kunstverein, Zurich: Jérémie Gindre, ISBN 3-7965-2102-9
Kunstverein Freiburg i.B.: Invitations
Club Abuse: Menu Card
Restaurant Rubino, Basel: Logo and CD
Schuurmans Therapeutikum, Münchenstein: Logos and CD
DJ kreie, Basel: Coasters, Flyers, Posters
Primetime Show by Joël von Mutzenbecher, Basel: Key Visual
Cooper Outerwear Co., New York: Logo and CD Development
Basler Wirrgarten, Basel: Logo and Corporate Design
KBH.G, Basel: Poster Campaign
Ensemble Phoenix Basel: "Fenix", LP Cover
R23, Styling and Casting, Basel: Logo and CD
Château de Nyon / PS1 New York: Catalogue, ISBN 2-940271-60-7
Restaurant Union, Basel: Menu Cards, Give-aways, etc.
Rolf Lüpke Rechtsberatung, Basel: Website
Doris & Paul-David Becker, Magden: Menu and Invitation Card
Presidential Department of the City of Basel Stadt: Gaming Console
Kunstraum Baden: Invitation
C-Level Media, Zurich: C-Level Magazine no. 3
BLPK Basellandschaftliche Pensionskasse, Liestal: Customer Magazines
Restaurant Rubino, Basel: Invitation Leaflet
Neue Kuppel Basel: Jury Report