Packaging and Product Design: Jeru

  • : Compact Disk:
  • : Compact Disk:

invino Wine Bar, Basel: Label

RFV Basel: Compilation CD

Edetària, Terra Alta: Label

Hotel Alpenruhe, Wengen: Coasters

The Lombego Surfers: 45" Sleeve

Ensemble Phoenix Basel: "Fenix", LP Cover

Bistro Kunstmuseum, Basel: Menu Cards and Give-Aways

FiBL, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Frick: Labels

Tiprego, Basel: Gift box

Basler Wirrgarten, Basel: Choccolate packaging

Bacio, Bio-Bistro, Basel: Menu Card

Fondation Beyeler, Basel: "Ernst Beyeler – Art Dealer" DVD Packaging

Bob Driller: Compact Disc with Booklet

Bistro Kunstmuseum, Basel: Menu Cards

Ackermannshof, Basel: Label

trink GmbH, Basel: Label

Giorgio Libera, Musician: Compact Disc

blindekuh, Basel / Zurich: Packaging

blindekuh, Basel / Zurich: Packaging

Club Abuse: Menu Card

Bizaff, Essaouira, Morocco: Product Line, Packaging